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Artificial intelligence and patents : an international perspective on patenting AI-related inventions / Edited by Osha, Jonathan P.

Av: Osha, Jonathan P [edt].
Materialtyp: materialTypeLabelBokSerie: Förläggare: Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, [2023]Beskrivning: 333 pages 24 cm.ISBN: 9789403522159; 9789403522234; 9789403522319.Ämnen: Artificiell intelligens | Patent | Patenträtt | Artificial intelligence | Patent | Patent law
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Artificial Intelligence ('AI') and the AI sub-field of Machine Learning ('ML') are terms that originated in the fields of computer and data science but now form part of the common vernacular. AI has now found application in virtually every field. To facilitate comparison of laws and practices, this book introduces a taxonomy that separates AI-related inventions into five conceptual categories. The patent law implications of each category are then addressed in national and regional chapters reflecting the perspectives of 16 major jurisdictions.

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